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I'm Linda Reeves, and I' have some amazing Consciousness Tools to offer, that have changed my Life. Would you like to know more?

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An Invitation to Different Possibilities

I've been facilitating Access® Classes and Sessions since 2010, over past 12 years, and have worked with Energy for over 20 years, in many modalities. Qualified in Massage, Childcare and have been in Florist Businesses for many years, in Perth and in WA country towns, I have found my niche in life with Access Consciousness, facilitating Classes and Sessions, which I love. 


What would it be like to Experience and Learn how to run the Bars, experience the energy and explore the 32 points on the head? This may sound a little wacky! Well it is, at first, until you start to receive results on you, or the body you are working on. 



Did you know that you become a Bars® Practitioner in a 1 day Class? This means after you have completed your Certification on the day, you can go out and run Bars for fun, or as a business and charge for your Sessions.  Imagine being able to do this for your family! How cool would that be? 


Access Bars - can assist in clearing .............. stress, mind chatter, sleep, restless kids, dissipates mental, emotional, physical and energetic blockages, ADD, ADHD, addiction, phobias, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and more....... Also assists in Health, Finances, Body, Energy, Relationship, Sex and much more.



Receive and relax into the ease of you and your body, clarity, stillness, more energy, (that most of us never have, even in huge amounts of meditation) and so on.


Did you Know?............... Bars® has been proven to take us into Theta in only an hour session. It often takes up to 10 years to do this practicing meditation. Please watch the video with Dr Jeffery Fannin.



Welcome to Access®
Core Classes
with Linda

Access Bars

One Day.

Access BARS® Class facilitating you to the Change your body has been looking for.

Access 1st Core Class. Step in, and be the space you truly be. 

Foundation Class

Four Days.

We welcome you to join us in this potent FOUNDATION® Class, after learning Bars®, tainted with a combination of infectious fun and humour and wake-up call. Allowing you to be more of You to Show up.

What if, what you choose today, creates the World you have Tomorrow? 

With all that is going on in the world, what if we could receive something different to what we have known possible in the past?


In fact, what if we were to let go of our past, as so much has changed, and start operating in the present, and for future? We are made up of mostly energy, so wouldn't it make sense to use energy? 


Check out our Energetic Body Processes. We even have a Process to assist bodies, after all the vaccines people have had. Some more sensitive people have had trauma after these, and may like to experience the energy that tends to assist in releasing those traumas and points of view. It takes 3.5 hours and you can use it on your family and friends. 


What Kindness & Gratitude can We All create in this World of Ours?

What would it take to stop the unconsciousness and anti-consciousness that is destroying the Planet?  


Consciousness.......... is the ability to be present in your life in every moment, without judgement of you or anyone else.
It is the ability to receive everything, reject nothing, and create everything you desire in life - greater than what you currently have, and more than you can imagine - Gary Douglas - Access Consciousness®.



What if you can clear the thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs keeping you stuck? Will you choose it? 


Create a life full of ease, joy and abundance.......... One you’re excited to get out of bed for, each and every day! 


Like to step into who you came here to be? 

So exciting!!!!!!

Specialize in:
Access Classes & Private Sessions
Access Certified Facilitator

Bars Facilitator
Energy Clearing

Body Process Facilitator
Facelift Facilitator
4 day Foundation Classes

SOP Sessions 
House Clearing
Also can be used for animals, houses, land, etc.  

Know that You have total choice

all the way.

Create more happiness, ease and joy. Dealing with:

  • Health

  • Money 

  • Sex/Relationships

  • Entities

  • Business & Finances

  • Energy

  • Body Processing

  • Choice & Contribution

  • Possibilities - And so much more.


This beautiful Planet, the Earth, where we live ...... How much more Conscious can we be, for us, and her?  

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All of Life Comes To Me With Ease, Joy & Glory®

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